Saturday, January 1, 2011

And So it Begins

2011 Here I come. Armed and Ready with my trusty Moleskine and a flash drive of Ideas. Welcome to Zero experience. Zero support. and Zero Muse. (Not to mention the 62 in English I have right now) It's pretty obvious why high schoolers are never writers. Electives, grades, reports, drivers license, mandatory family get togethers. It's going to be a train wreck. I've picked up a "Writing Fiction for Dummies" book and Stephen King's "On Writing" other than the info and advice in these books (along with any other information I've scraped up from google) I am at the lowest ladder rung in the writing world. I've never been an avid reader. In Fact I can pretty much tell you the first chapter book I ever read all by myself. (Leven Thumps and the Adventures of Foo if you're really int rested) but after that I've been an average reader. I know I know this is going to have to change and trust me when I say I've got a lofty books list to attend to for this year. Other info? I'm a girl. Freshman Family dynamics are well. Nothing really special. I've always been sorta good at everything I do but not good enough to make varsity or top group. I never wanted to be a writer before this past year and I have no Idea what organinally motivated me to want to want to be a writer so there's no use asking.
My 2010 Writer Resolutions and Goals:
1)Write Every Day
2) Finish and Submit a Manuscript
3)Read one book I don't think I'll like per month
4) Get a 90 in English
5)Journal Every Day
6) Read Everything I can get my hands on and stop complaining about how boring it is
7) Find something everyday to inspire me
8) stop drinking soda
Ok so the last one doesn't deal with my writing but it's still a good one. I would LOVE any advice, suggestions, thoughts, books to read, words of caution, feedback, samples, and pretty much anything! so hit me a comment or e-mail me at :)

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